I greatly appreciate all the ongoing support over the past many years from my readers.
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This blog will be maintained, but because online information platforms evolve new articles I'm creating will be posted to:
1. my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gordonscottcampbell/
2. my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gscLawFirm
3. my Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/gsclawfirm
4. one of the websites I maintain:
a. www.acmlawfirm.ca (the main law firm website which should include most articles)
b. www.compleximmigration.ca (where you'll find immigration & citizenship law articles)
c. www.nofearfamilylaw.com (where you'll find family law articles)
d. www.defenceeast.com (where you'll find criminal law articles)
e. www.taxappealscanada.com (where you'll find tax law articles)
f. www.proconductlaw.com (where you'll find employment & professional conduct law articles)